Local Laws & Ordinances

Local Law # 1 of the Year 2013–To Provide Partial Tax Exemption of Real Property Taxes

Date Posted: January 15, 2013

Date Adopted: January 14, 2013





County of Hamilton, New York


Law No. _ of the year 201_


Offered by: Councilman Valentine


A local law to provide a Partial Tax Exemption of Real Property Taxes for owners of Real Property by persons with limited income who are sixty-five years of age or over.


Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Indian Lake as follows:


Section 1.  The purpose of this local law is to grant a partial exemption from real property taxation to real property owned by one or more persons, each of whom are sixty-five years of age, or over, or real property owned by husband and wife, or by siblings, one of whom is sixty-five years of age, or over, and who maintain the property as their legal residence.


Section 2.  No exemption shall be granted pursuant to this local law to any individual, or to any real property, unless all ownership, use and application provisions of Section 467 of Real Property Tax Law have been met.  Owner income, for purposes of this local law, shall be income as identified by Section 467.3(a) of Real Property Tax Law, and shall be the total income of the owner, or the combined income of all the owners, for the income tax year, or, if no income tax return has been filed, the calendar year, immediately preceding the date of making application.


Section 3.  A partial exemption to real property taxes shall be granted to the owner(s) of real property who qualify according to their owner income, as identified above, in accordance with the following schedule.



Owner income:                                                  Exempt %

$19,999.99 or less                                              50%

$20,000.00 to $20,999.99                                      45%

$21,000.00 to $21,999.99                                   40%

$22,000.00 to $22,999.99                                   35%

$23,000.00 to $23,899.99                                   30%

$23,900.00 to $24,799.99                                   25%

$24,800.00 to $25,699.99                                   20%

$25,700.00 to $26,599.99                                   15%

$26,600.00 to $27,499.99                                   10%                        

$27,500.00 to $28,399.99                                     5%


Section 4.  The enactment of this Local Law shall rescind the provisions of Local Law # 4 of the Year 2004.


Section 5.  This Local Law shall apply to tax rolls filed on, or after, the taxable status date of March 1, 2013, and shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Department of State.


Seconded by: Supervisor Wells


All in favor - Motion Carried                         

Provides for public notices relating to adoption of local laws. # 1 - 1969

Number: No. 1 - 1969


All laws may be seen and read in the Town Clerks Office.

Littering # 2 - 1969

Number: No. 2 - 1969


Prohibits littering and use of any land within the Town of Indian Lake as a dump or dumping grounds, refuse disposal area, or as a landfill site or in a landfill operation excepting lands established for such purposes by the Town Board.

Junk Yards # 3 - 1969

Number: No. 3 - 1969
Regulates automobile junk yards.

Keeping of Livestock # 4 - 1969

Number: No. 4 - 1969

Prohibits the keeping of swine, cattle, or other livestock or fowl within the bounds of Indian Lake Sewer District 1.

Code of Ethic # 1 - 1970

Number: No. 1 - 1970


Relates to a Code of Ethics and a Board of Ethics for the Town of Indian Lake.

Code of Ethic # 1 - 1970

Number: No. 1 - 1970


Relates to a Code of Ethics and a Board of Ethics for the Town of Indian Lake.

Regulates and restricts the location, construction, alteration and use of buildings and land in the Town of Indian Lake, pursuant to the Zoning provisions.
Building Codes Enforcement Officer/Assessor
Town of Indian Lake
Meade Hutchins
PO Box 730
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: buildingcodes@indianlakeadk.com 
Phone: 518-648-5211

Regulations - Sewer District 1 # 2 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1971
Date Posted: March 27, 1971
Date Adopted: March 27, 1971

Regulates the use of public and private sewers/drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer systems; Provides penalties for violations thereof, in Sewer District 1.

Amendment Local Law # 1 -1971

Number: No. 1 - 1972
Date Posted: March 27, 1972
Date Adopted: March 27, 1972

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: regulating/restricting location, construction & use of buildings and land.

2nd Amendment - Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1 - 1973


Date Posted: March 27, 1973

Date Adopted: March 27, 1973


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Certain properties changed from commercial or residential to mobile resident districts.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1973


Date Posted: March 27, 1973

Date Adopted: March 27, 1973


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Regulating/restricting location, construction & use of buildings and land.

Notice to Residential and Small Business Water & Wastewater Customers - 5/2021


Moratorium on water and wastewater service termination, moratorium on water and wastewater relevy, and opportunity for deferred payment agreements.

Adopted: July 12, 2021

Regulating Public Water # 3 - 1973

Number: No. 3 - 1973
Date Posted: March 27, 1973
Date Adopted: March 27, 1973


Regulates the use of public water facilities and the furnishing of water to the consumers of Water District 1.



Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Town of Indian Lake
Julie A. Clawson
PO Box 730

117 Pelon Road
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: townclerk@indianlakeadk.com 
Phone: 518-648-5211 (ext. 2)
Fax: 518-648-6227

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1973


Date Posted: March 27, 1973

Date Adopted: March 27, 1973


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Regulating/restricting location, construction & use of buildings and land.

Written Notification/ Civil Action # 2 - 1974

Number: No. 3 - 1973
Date Posted: March 27, 1973
Date Adopted: March 27, 1973

Regulates the use of public water facilities and the furnishing of water to the consumers of Water District 1.



Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Town of Indian Lake
Julie A. Clawson
PO Box 730

117 Pelon Road
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: townclerk@indianlakeadk.com 
Phone: 518-648-5211 (ext. 2)
Fax: 518-648-6227

Town Clerk Salary # 1 - 1976

Number: No. 1 - 1976

Date Posted: March 27, 1976

Date Adopted: March 27, 1976


Increase in salary for the Office of Town Clerk.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1 - 1981

Date Posted: March 27, 1981

Date Adopted: March 27, 1981


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.   Re: Regulations and restrictions on location, construction alteration and use of buildings and land.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1 - 1982

Date Posted: March 27, 1982

Date Adopted: March 27, 1982


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Regulating the construction, size and use of accessory Water and Waterfront structures.

Term of Office - Highway Superintendent # 1 - 1984

Number: No. 1 - 1984

Date Posted: March 27, 1984

Date Adopted: March 27, 1984


Provides that the term of Office for Superintendent of Highways is 4 years.


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1984

Date Posted: March 27, 1984

Date Adopted: March 27, 1984


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Define a wetland, define commercial mineral extraction and make special provisions relating to Town project review jurisdiction with respect to gifts, devises and inheritances.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1 - 1985

Date Posted: March 27, 1985

Date Adopted: March 27, 1985


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Removes Planning Board from review of variance applications pending before the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1985

Date Posted: March 27, 1985

Date Adopted: March 27, 1985



Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Aid in preventing flood damage. 

Providing indemnification of Offices #3 - 1985

Number: No. 3 - 1985

Date Posted: March 27, 1985

Date Adopted: March 27, 1985


Provides for the defense and indemnification of Offices and Employees of the Town of Indian Lake.  

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1- 1986

Date Posted: March 27, 1986

Date Adopted: March 27, 1986


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Regulating fireworks magazines and manufacturing.

Flood protection # 1 - 1987

Number: No. 1 - 1987

Date Posted: March 27, 1987

Date Adopted: March 27, 1987


Flood Damage Prevention.

Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 1 - 1989

 Date Posted: March 27, 1989

Date Adopted: March 27, 1989


Amends Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Changes definition of Agricultural use and the definition of structure.

Recycling Law # 1 - 1990

Number: No. 1 - 1990

Date Posted: March 27, 1990


Recycling Law.

Amending Local Law No. 1 - 1971

Number: No. 2 - 1990

 Date Posted: March 27, 1990

Date Adopted: March 27, 1990


Amending Local Law No. 1 - 1971.  Re: Nonconforming Use.

Fire Prevention/Code Enforcement # 1 - 1991

Number: No. 1 - 1991

Date Posted: March 27, 1991

Date Adopted: March 27, 1991


State Uniform Fire prevention and Building Code.

Amendment of Zoning # 2 - 1991

Number: No. 2 - 1991

Date Posted: March 27, 1991

Date Adopted: March 27, 1991


Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance dated: September 6, 1977.

Discrimination/Prohibiting # 3 - 1991

Number: No. 3 - 1991

Date Posted: March 27, 1991

Date Adopted: March 27, 1991


Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin in the sale, rental, advertising of dwelling in the provision of brokerage services, or in the availability of residential real estate related transactions.

Electing a retirement incentive program. # 4 - 1991

Number: No. 4 - 1991

Date Posted: March 27, 1991

Date Adopted: March 27, 1991


Electing a Retirement incentive program as authorized by Chapter 178. Laws of 1991 for the eligible Employees of the Town of Indian Lake.

Amending Zoning Ordinance # 1 - 1992

Number: No. 1 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Amending the Town of Indian Lake Zoning Ordinance of September 6, 1977.

Fixing Town Clerk Salary # 2 - 1992

Number: No. 2 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Fixing the annual salary of the Indian Lake Town Clerk.

Amending Town Zoning Ordinance - # 3 - 1992

Number: No. 3 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Amending the Town of Indian Lake Zoning Ordinance of September 6, 1977.

Amending Zoning Ordinance # 4 - 1992

Number: No. 4 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Amending the Town of Indian Lake Zoning Ordinance of September 6, 1977.

Regulating overnight parking # 2 - 1997

Number: No. 2 - 1997

Date Posted: March 27, 1997

Date Adopted: March 27, 1997


Regulating overnight winter parking on public highways.

Veterans Exemption Law #1 - 1997

Number: No. 1 - 1997

Date Posted: March 27, 1997

Date Adopted: March 27, 1997


Town of Indian Lake Veterans Exemption Law adopting the maximum exemption authorized by Chapter 477 of the Laws of 1996.

Requiring notice/civil action # 5 - 1993

Number: No. 5 - 1993

Date Posted: March 27, 1993

Date Adopted: March 27, 1993


Requiring notice precedent to instituting a civil action for personal injuries or property damage against the Town of Indian Lake.

Regulating Snowmobiles # 1 - 1999

Number: No. 1 - 1999

Date Posted: March 27, 1999

Date Adopted: March 27, 1999


Regulating the use and operation of snowmobiles in the Town of Indian Lake.

Tax Exemption/partial # 1 - 2001

Number: No. 1 - 2001

Date Posted: March 27, 2001

Date Adopted: March 27, 2001


Partial Tax Exemption of Real Property Taxes.

Alternate Planning Board Member # 1 - 2004

Number: No. 1 - 2004

Date Posted: March 27, 2004

Date Adopted: March 27, 2004


Making an alternate Planning Board Member Position.

Dog noise # 2 - 2004

Number: No. 2 - 2004

Date Posted: March 27, 2004

Date Adopted: March 27, 2004


Regulation concerning Dog Noise.

Veterans Exemption # 3 - 2004

Number: No. 3 - 2004

Date Posted: March 27, 2004

Date Adopted: March 27, 2004


Veterans Real Property maximum tax exemption Law.

Partial Tax Exemption # 4 - 2004

Number: No. 4 - 2004

Date Posted: March 27, 2004

Date Adopted: March 27, 2004


Partial tax exemption of Real Property Taxes:  Rescinds Local Law No. 1 - 2001.

All-Terrain Vehicles # 1 - 2005

Number: No. 1 - 2005
Date Posted: March 27, 2005
Date Adopted: March 27, 2005

Designating Jerry Savarie Road for All Terrain Vehicles to get from one trail to another.



Local Law 1 - 2005 ATV use On Jerry Savarie Road 

Uniform Fire Prevention/Building Codes # 1 - 2006

Number: No. 1 - 2006

Date Posted: March 27, 2006

Date Adopted: March 27, 2006


Providing for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.

Electing a Retirement Incentive # 1 - 2010

Number: No. 1 - 2010

Date Posted: March 27, 2010

Date Adopted: March 27, 2010


Electing a Retirement Incentive program as authorized by Chapter 105 laws of 2010, for the eligible Employees of the Town of Indian Lake.

License and Control of Dogs # 2 - 2010

Number: No. 2 - 2010
Date Posted: March 27, 2010
Date Adopted: March 27, 2010

Providing for the Licensing and Control of dogs in the Town of Indian Lake.


Town Clerk
Julie A. Clawson
PO Box 730

117 Pelon Road
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: townclerk@indianlakeadk.com 
Phone: 518-648-5211 (ext. 2)
Fax: 518-648-6227

Override Tax Cap Law # 1 - 2012

Number: No. 1 - 2012

Date Posted: March 27, 2012

Date Adopted: March 27, 2012


Local Law to override the Tax Cap Law.

Partial Tax Exemption # 1 - 2013

Number: No. 1 - 2013

 Date Posted: March 27, 2013

Date Adopted: March 27, 2013


Local Law to provide a Partial Tax Exemption of Real Property Taxes for owner of Real Property by persons with limited income who are sixty-five years of age or over.

Ordinance - No Drinking on Town Property # 1 - 1975

Number: No. 1 - 1975

Date Posted: March 27, 1975

Date Adopted: March 27, 1975


Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages on Town Property.


Ordinance - Discharging Firearms # 2- 1975

Number: No. 2 - 1975

Date Posted: March 27, 1975

Date Adopted: March 27, 1975


No person shall discharge a Fire Arm or Longbow within Town Sanitary Landfill.

Ordinance - Snowmobile/Cemetery's #1 - 1976

Number: No. 1 - 1976
Date Posted: March 27, 1976
Date Adopted: March 27, 1976

No person shall operate a snowmobile in any Cemetery located in the Town of Indian Lake.

Ordinance - Sanitary Landfill #1 - 1981

Number: No. 1 - 1981


Date Posted: March 27, 1981

Date Adopted: March 27, 1981


The Sanitary Landfill Ordinance of the Town of Indian Lake.

Ordinance - Bingo # 2- 1981

Number: No. 2 - 1981

Date Posted: March 27, 1981

Date Adopted: March 27, 1981


Permitting the conduct of Bingo.

Ordinance - Building/Fire Code # 1 - 1982

Number: No. 1 - 1982


Date Posted: March 27, 1982

Date Adopted: March 27, 1982


Building and Fire Prevention Code.

Ordinance - Removal of unsafe buildings #1 - 1983

Number: No. 1 - 1983

Date Posted: March 27, 1983

Date Adopted: March 27, 1983


Local Ordinance for the removal by the Town of Indian Lake concerning unsafe buildings and collapsed structures.

Ordinance - Dog Control # 2 - 1983

Number: No. 2 - 1983
Date Posted: March 27, 1983
Date Adopted: March 27, 1983

Dog Control Ordinance.


Dog Control Officer
Town of Indian Lake
Timothy A. Clawson
PO Box 730
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: townclerk@indianlakeadk.com 
Phone: 518-648-5211 (ext. 2)
Fax: 518-648-6227

Ordinance - Establish Ambulance District # 1 - 1984

Number: No. 1 - 1984


Date Posted: March 27, 1984

Date Adopted: March 27, 1984


Establishment of an Ambulance District.

Ordinance - Public Safety/Lake Abanakee Dam # 1 - 1985

Number: No. 1 - 1985

Date Posted: March 27, 1985

Date Adopted: March 27, 1985


Ordinance to ensure the public safety under the Police powers of the Town of Indian Lake for the Lake Abanakee Dam.

Ordinance - Abandoned Vehicles # 1 - 1987

Number: No. 1 - 1987

Date Posted: March 27, 1987

Date Adopted: March 27, 1987


Ordinance concerning abandoned vehicles on Town Highways.

Ordinance - Regulation of public sidewalks #1 - 1988

Number: No. 1 - 1988

Date Posted: March 27, 1988

Date Adopted: March 27, 1988


Regulating the use of public sidewalks by snowmobiles.

Ordinance - Regulating the transporting of garbage. # 2 - 1988

Number: No. 2 - 1988

Date Posted: March 27, 1988

Date Adopted: March 27, 1988


Regulating the transportation and disposal of garbage, rubbish and waste for and within the Town of Indian Lake.

Ordinance - Regulating Snowmobiles #1 - 1990

Number: No. 1 - 1990

Date Posted: March 27, 1990

Date Adopted: March 27, 1990


Regulating the uses and operations of snowmobiles.

Prohibiting Camping on Town Property # 1 - 1991

Number: No. 1 - 1991

Date Posted: March 27, 1991

Date Adopted: March 27, 1991


Town Ordinance prohibiting camping on the Town of Indian Lake property.

Ordinance - Amendment on regulating the Sewer system within Indian Lake # 1 - 1992

Number: No. 1 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Amending an Ordinance prescribing rules and regulations pursuant to Article 12 of the sewer systems within the Town of Indian Lake.

Ordinance - regulating beached bogs # 2 - 1992

Number: No. 2 - 1992

Date Posted: March 27, 1992

Date Adopted: March 27, 1992


Town Ordinance regulating beached bogs in the Lake Adirondack weed control district.

Ordinance - Regulating Taxicabs # 1 - 1998

Number: No. 1 - 1998

Date Posted: March 27, 1998

Date Adopted: March 27, 1998


Licensing and regulating the operation of Taxicabs and taxi drivers within the Town of Indian Lake.

Local Law # 1 - 2016-Law to override Tax Limit

Number: #1

Date Posted: November 04, 2016

Date Adopted: November 04, 2016


Law to override Tax Limit

Local law # 2 -2017 - Fire Works Display

Number: # 2
Date Posted: July 11, 2017
Date Adopted: July 11, 2017

Local law # 2 -Fire Works Display 

Local Law # 4- 2017 term limit change -Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Number: Number 4 2017

Local Law # 4- 2017 term limit change -Town Clerk/Tax Collector 

Local Law # 3 - raising tax limit 2018

Number: # 3
Date Adopted: November 02, 2017

Local Law # 3 - raising tax limit 2018 

Local Law # 1 - 2018 Authorizing Games of Chance

Number: #1
Date Posted: November 05, 2018

Local Law # 1 - 2018 Authorizing Games of Chance 

Providing Enforcement of NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code - # 1 - 2018

Number: No. 1

Date Posted: February 03, 2018

Date Adopted: February 03, 2018

Override Tax Cap Law # 2 - 2019

Number: No. 2

Date Posted: February 03, 2019

Date Adopted: February 03, 2019

Local Law # 2 2020 - Local Law to override the tax levy limit for 2021

Number: No. 2

Date Adopted: November 05, 2020

Zoning Ordinance 2020

Number: Resolution # 1 2020 

Date Adopted: February 10, 2020

Local Law - # 1 ,2020 Adoption of Revised Zoning Ordinance of 1977

Number: #1

Date Adopted: February 10, 2020