Permits, Licenses & Zoning


If you wish to review the Planning/Zoning Board Meeting minutes, please contact Town Clerk.

Hunting and Fishing License - Town Clerk's Office 

Dog Licenses - Town Clerk's Office

Notary - Town Clerk's Office 

Transfer Station Permits - Transfer Station

Refrigerator/Freezer/Air Conditioner Permits - $20.00 at the Transfer Station



Birth Certificate

Costs: $10.00 per certification 

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: one day

Where to Apply:

Town Clerk's Office

Certified copies may be issued only: to a person with a NYS Court Order, the person named on the birth certificate (18 years of age or older), the Parents named on the Birth Certificate, to a lawful representative of the person named of the parents named on the birth certificate, the Commissioner of Health or Municipal, State or Federal Agency when needed for official purposes. Applicant must provide name, date of birth, place of birth, father’s first and last name, mother’s first name and maiden name, current address, relationship to the person named on the birth certificate, a copy of driver’s license or picture ID and a notarized signature. 

Death Certificate

Costs: $10.00 per certified copy

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: one day

Where to Apply:

Town Clerk's Office 

Death certificates/Certifications may only be issued to a NYS Court Order issues showing necessity, the spouse, parent, child of the deceased, to a lawful representative of the spouse, parent, child of the deceased, a person requiring the record for a documented legal right or claim, to a person requiring the record for documented medical need, to a Municipal, State or Federal Agency when needed for Official purposes. Applicant must provide the name and date of death of deceased, his/her/they relationship to the deceased, any court ordered documents (if required), his/her/they name-current address, copy of driver’s license or picture ID with a notarized signature.  

Marriage License

Costs: $40.00

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Immediately­–with a 24-hour waiting period before ceremony takes place–the license is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued.

Where to Apply:

Town Clerk's Office - Pelon Road - Town of Indian Lake

Julie A. Clawson - Town Clerk -Tax Collector


Both the Brides and Grooms need to be present.

You will need to bring with you:

Proof of Age: birth certificate, baptismal record, passport or driver's license

Information regarding previous marriages–Decree of Divorce or Dissolution of Marriage

All information on Marriages in New York State can be found on the NYS web-site.

Marriage License Certification

Costs: $10.00 per certified copy

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: one day

Where to Apply:

Certified Transcripts of marriage are issued only to those named on the certificate or for genealogy purposes if the marriage certificate has been on file for at least 50 years and the bride and groom are known by the applicant to be deceased, or by Court Order.

Dog License

Costs: Spayed/Neutered - $2.50 / Unspayed/Unneutered - $10.50
Approximate Time from Application to Issue: instant

Where to Apply:

Town Clerk's Office, Pelon Road, Indian Lake



Must have a copy of current Rabies Vaccination.
Certification receipt–Spayed or Neutered.
Must live in the Town of Indian Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, or Sabael.
Dogs must be licensed in the month of their rabies vaccinations.


Town Clerk
Town of Indian Lake
Julie A. Clawson
PO Box 730
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Phone: 518-648-5211 (ext. 2)
Fax: 518-648-6227


Pistol Permit

Applications may be picked up at Town Hall.

Costs: $10.00 check made payable to the Hamilton County Clerk

 Approximate Time from Application to Issue: immediately

Hunting/Fishing License

Costs: dependent on purchase

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: immediately

Where to Apply:

Will need to bring in your driver’s license or a previous year’s license. If purchasing for the first time, a copy of your hunter safety course certificate. 

Town of Indian Lake Zoning Ordinance


Adopted 2/21/2020